owned that they were surprised in allowing the [..]
accompts And did not looke or in Speel into ye same
before they signed the Allowance thereof and have
since erased or obliterated their names from the
said Allowance of the Accounts of the said Church
and Overseers of the poore
or some or One [..]
them And that the petrs. conceiving themselves aggre [..]
in the premisses and praying such releife there in as [..]
to this Court it should heeme meet It was ordered by
this Court That the said Tobias Gibson< no role >
Ralph King< no role >
John Hocker< no role >
Tho: Bennett< no role >
Anthoney Rest< no role >
& John
Walpoole< no role >
should Attend this Court on this Day to shew
cause why they should not forthwith make & yeild of
To Two of his Maties Justices of the peace for this
County Dwelling in or neare the said Parish in
Finsbury division
in ye said County (Quorum unus)
A true and perfect accompt of all sumes of money
by them recct or rated and selled & not recct & also
of such Stock as is in their hands or in the hands of any
of the poore to Worke And of all other things concerning
their said Office According to the forme of the Statute
in such case made and provided Now upon hearing
of what was infested on by the Peds and also by Mr
Corbett of Conneell for the said Tobias Gibson< no role >
Kingston< no role >
John Hocker< no role >
Thomas Bennett< no role >
Best< no role >
& John Walpoole< no role >
This Court is of opinion
That the allowance of the aforesaid Accompts by
the said Lawrence St. Lo< no role >
and Jeffery Saunders< no role >
who both live as agreas distance from the paid parish
of St. James Clerkenwell
is wholly viregular There
being One Justice of the peace dwelling in the said
parish And poor all other Justices of the peace
dwelling in the parishes adjoining thereto And [..]
appearing to this Court that the allowance of the
said Accompts by the said Lawrence St. Lo< no role >
Jeffery Saunders< no role >
was gained by surprize It is
Thought fitt and ordered by this Court That such
allowance be And the same is hereby sett abide &
Vacated And it is further Ordered by this Court That
the said Tobias Gibson< no role >
Ralph Kingston< no role >
John Hocker< no role >
Thomas Bennett< no role >
Anthony Best< no role >
& John Walpoole< no role >
Doe forthwith attend Two of his Maties Justices of
the peace for this County dwelling in or neare ye sd
parish of St. James Clerkenwell
(Quorum Unus) with
a true and perfect accompt of all sumes of money
by them recct or rated and setted & not recct and
also of such stock as is in their hands or in the hands
of any of the poore of the said parish to worke & of
all other things concerning their said Office
according to the direction of the Statute in such
case made and provided upon paine of being
proceeded against in such Manner as ye Law
P Cur