To ye: Rgt: Worspll. his Maties: Justices of ye. peace for ye. for ye. County of Middx
The humble peticon. & Appeale of Anne Burton< no role >
. of ye.
parish. of St. Leonard Shoreditch
in ger. sd County
& Cow Keeper
That Your peticoner is Rated £02:00s:06d:P: Quarter towards ye.
Rate made for ye: releife of ye Setled & Standinge Poor of ye. sd
parish; and alsoe £04:01s:00:P: Quarter to ye: Cassuall. or
accidentall poor of ye. sd pish. and that by reason of ye.
verry great Loss of Cattells which she hath Lately had
& ye. totall decay of her busieness & Implogmt: & he havinge
noe lattell Left where wth. to stock ye. Land for which she
is Rated to ye. sd Rates she is now become unable to pay
such a great Sume of Money to ye. Sd Rates;
Your peticoner therefore humbly prayes Your
Worspl Consideracon in ye. premisses; & to make
such Order therein as to Yr. Worspl shall
seem meet.
and Yr: Peticoner shall ever pray Etc:
Anne Burton< no role >