To the Worll. his Maties. Justices of the peace at Hick's Hall
The humble peticon of Edward Ruddock< no role >
of the parish of St. Mary Islington
Most humbly Sheweth
That the petr. is a poor day labourer
and ever
since July last hath been visited with great Sickness,
and hath been subject to the Retornt of an Agnt and Feaborn
and hath a sickly wife, and five very small children and (by reason
of his Sicknes) is not able to provide for his distressed Family
That the petr. hath as homest a Repntacon, and lived as
peaceably with the Love of his Neighbours as any poor Man
in the parish, and belives her hath Taken more pains and with
greater Labour and hardship main [..] his Family, than any other poors
Man in it, as Many in the parish will testify, her having been
knowne by his Neighbours to worke at hardly Labour (whereby
her has (weakened his Strength) Seventeen houres in 24. for
severall years past, to prserve his Family from being ever, in
the least, chargable to the parish.
That hee has made his Applicacon to the Church Wardens
of the said parish for a Maintenance for himself and his
very Larg Family, But notwithstanding finding no Releif
from them when other Idle and Dishonest people that
have their health, and but a little charg, have it Easily
May it therefore please your Worps
to take the cast of yor. very poor petr.
and his distressed Family into yor. wise
and Serious Consideracon and to grant
such Releif as may Encourage other poore
Men by hard Labour and honesty to
maintaine their family's as long as they
are Able Rather then by an Idle & disolute
life, to become chargable to the parish
and to prserve the poor petr. & his distressed
Family from perishing
And the poor petr. shall ever pray