To the Rt Worshipfull the bench of
Justices at hixes hall
the humble petition
of Laurence< no role >
Ann Loaker< no role >
most humbly
Sheweth that yor Petitionr is Reduced to the Greatest
poverty and Want through her great ages
and Indespotition being allmost four Score
years of age and almost quite blinds and
her husband being aged & not the Least
work to Suply themselves wth all and
the parish allowes them but 6d P week wh
will not pay for Smale bare Wherefore
yor petitioners most humbly Prays yor honrs
take ther misserable case into yor Judicing
Consideration and to afford her yor releife [..]
ordering the Churchwarden of St. Leonards
to angmt ther pention and yor
petitioners as In Duty bound Shall Ever pray
& yor petitionr having live in they parish above 40 years
Lorence< no role >
& Anne Loaker< no role >
And paid all maner of taxes till this Last [..]
year wch. having all their seized by their
LandLord was the occasion of their poverty