Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1709

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501050039

Image 39 of 4313th April 1709

Court Middlx

The Exam: of James Ravenscroft< no role >
Taken before Ra: Bucknall< no role > Esqr one of her Majties
justices of her peace for the sd County.

on his Oath saith that yesterday one Thomas Smith< no role > queing
this Deponts Informacon of one Richard Dove< no role > , who
Lodged at the signe of the Bunch of Grapes and Crowne
in Castle street in the parish of St Gyles's in the feilds in the
sd County to have been considerate with her [..] sd Thomas
< no role > in maker Counter filling the Cogne [..] done
he his Depont went yesterday and app [..] sd
Richard Dove< no role > at his sd Lodgeing and Sa [..] the
Lodgeing Roome of the sd Richard Dove< no role > ; this Depont
found in A Chest in the sd Roome Seventeen Counterfitt shilling
and four Counterfitt six pences Two Iron Flasks a
Crusipps and an Iron Instrument [..] ed Edger
was alsoe found in the Lodgeing Room of the sd. Richard
< no role >

Jurat Coram me 13th: Die
Aprill Anno Domm: 1709
Ra: Bucknall< no role >

James RavensCroft< no role >

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