Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1709

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501050029

Image 29 of 4325th April 1709

Middx ss:

The Sevll Informacons of Jno< no role > : and Wm: Wingfall< no role > [..]
John Wingfall< no role > of South mims in the County aforesd.
Fallier taken this 25th. day of April 1709 .

N. Jno: Wingfall< no role > abt. 13. Wm< no role > . abt. 11 years of age

These Informants doe Joyntly and Sevlly. Say that
Yesterday being Easter Sunday abt. 3 of the Clock in the
after noon (being together in a Feild near the Backside
of one John Marsh< no role > his house in the aforesd Pish of
South mims ) They saw one Abraham Toms< no role > in the said
Jno: Marsh< no role > his Yard say [..]
And the sd Toms Seeing he was discovered Stooped down
and then Rising again He asked these 2 Informants
if they had seen his by Jacks meaning his Apprentices
they answered him, no, Toms asked them again if they
would Swear itt, they answered they could Swear itt And
then these Informants went their wayes and left the sd Toms in the
sd Yard as they att First Saw him, and Further these
Informants Say not.

Capt. die & an Supradict
Coram me
D Hechstetter

the marke of
Jno: [mark] Wingfall< no role >

the marke of
Wm: [mark] Wingfall< no role >

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