Middx: ss:
The Examination of
Abraham Toms< no role >
of ye Pish of
South mims
in the County of
taken this 25th. day of
Aprill 1709
This Examint: Sayes and Confesseth That
Yesterday being Easter Sunday abt. 2 or 3 of
the Clock in the afternoon he was in ye Yard
of one John Marsh< no role >
in the aforesd Pish of
South mims
But that he went through the sd
Jno: Marsh< no role >
s house before the family went
to Church, and that the Returned again
Imeadiately P the same way he went in
and that he the sd Abraham Toms< no role >
was not
in the sd Marshs Yare' att any time after-
wards on the sd Day; neither did he goe
into the sd Yard wth: any Designe but to Ease
Nature or such like us he use to doe in the sd
Yard, and Further Sayes not.
Capt die & anno
Supradict Coram me
D Hechstetter
the marke of
Abraham [mark] Toms< no role >