Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1709

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501050025

Image 25 of 4329th March 1709

Middx ss.

The Informacon of John King< no role > of the
parish of Edmonton in the sd County Labr .
taken before me this 29th Day of March
Anno qs Don 1709

This Informant Deposeth upon his Oath that [..] when he
had Harbert Carlisle< no role > in Custody concerning the Death
of Thomas Deale< no role > Supposed to be [..] ordered by the
Carlisle and one David Lowell< no role > at the same time in Custody
at an other p Case in the parish aforesd. He this Informt.
Selling the sd Carlisle that he beleived that Lowell
had made a Confession, whereupon Carlisle replyed,
that if he had, there was no beliefe in Man, This
Informt. further Deposeth that he heard Carlisles
Leiuetenant sell him that if he did not Confess: he
could not be hang'd for this, but that if the woman
Should come in against him that he gott wth. Child &
the Child being Missing It would goe very hard wth: him
& further Saith not

Jur Die & Anno Suprd
cora me}
H: Smithson

John King< no role >

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