Middx & Westmr. ss
The Information of
Robert Cubbidge< no role >
of the parish of St
Giles in the Feilds
in the said County Carver
This Informant sayeth that on Fryday the Eighteenth day of this Instant March
he was out [..] of Samuel Bray< no role >
a Constable
for the said City and Liberty
who [..] ged him for that purpose and in searching after loose idle Persons
both [..] and Wo [..] they found near the [..] house in Drury Lane
one [..]
Dickins a Common lewd woman of the Town
plying there whom the said Constable
took into his Custody in order to carry her before a Justice of Peace which as he
was doing the said Constable this Informant with other his Assistants [..] in
Convent Garden
without the [..] given of [..]
with drawn Swords by William Arch< no role >
Jeremiah Tooley< no role >
and John Clawson< no role >
with dreadfull on the and Imprecations demanded the said Anne Dickins< no role > This name instance is in set 3817.
, Whereupon
the said Constable
told them he was the Queens Officer
and about his Majestyes
be [..] and shewed them his Constables Staff and charged them in the Queen
Name to keep the Peace upon which they put up their Swords and went little
way off, and the said Constable this Informant and the other Assistant
went about their business but: imediately they the said Arch Tooley and
Clawson returned upon them again and without the Arch provocation given
as aforesaid the said Arch said God dam'n his blood he would murder some
of them (meaning she said Constable or his Assistants) or words to that Effect
and then he Tooley and Clawson aforesaid Severall their Swords And this
Informant further sayeth that he heard John Dent< no role > This name instance is in set 2759.
one of the said Constable
beg of them the said Arch Tooley and Clawson to be quiet for nobody
Medled with them or designed to hurt them or words to that effect but
they the said Arch Tooley and Clawson persisted in their outrage and
Assaulted with their naked swords the said Constable and his Assistant
whereupon this Informant closed in with the said Arch and took his
swords from him but he imediately drew his Bajonett and again said
Dam'n you [..] be the death of you and then this Informant said the
said Arch Tooley and Clawson make several Thrusts and Strokes with
their naked Swords and Bajonetts at and upon the Company where the
said John Dent< no role >
was and [..] any [..] he was [..]
said John Dent< no role >
was wounded by the said Arch Tooley and Clawson or one of them and in a
little time after as this Informant verily believes [..] the said John Dent< no role >
thereof And this Informant further sayeth that he saw no Rows S [..]
by the said Constable or his Assistants And this Informant [..] sayeth
that he was wounded in his land by the said Arch Tooley or Clawson and [..]
the said Arch pursued this Informant with his Baronett drawn as
as the watch-house swearing he would murder him this Informant
Jurat coram me decimo octavo die Martis 1708
Geo: Watson
Robt. Cubbidge< no role >