2. Apl 1695
Midds ss:
Ad genal quartial Session paris Dui Regis tent P Com
in St John Street
in Com prd P adcorn die Martis scill
Scdo die Aprilis Anno Regui Regis Guliehni tcy mmc Regis
Augl Etc Septimo
Whereas Francis Edwards < no role >
: and Richard Woodward< no role >
. two of his
Maties. Justices of the peace
for this County (one of them being of the
Division of Kensington
in this County) persuant to the authority
given them by a late act of Parliament made in the second year
of the reigne of our Sowainne Lord King William & her late
Maty. Queen Mary Intituled an Act for paveing & Cleansing the
Streets in the Cities of
& Westmr
. & Subburbs & Liberties
thereof & out parishes in the County of Middlx
& in the Burrow
of Southwarke
& other places within the weekly bills of Mortality
in the County of Surrey
& for regulateing the marketts therein
menconed & by one other Act of Parliament made in the third
& fourth years of their said Majesties reigne Intituled An Act
for the better repaireing & amending the Highways & setting
the rates for carriage of goods, have by writeing under
their hands dated the thirtieth day of March last
certified to
this Court that they have viewed & inspected the Worth side of
the Highway in the Towne of Kensington
in the said County
& upon their said view doe judge if fitt to be paved with stone
from the East end of the house of Thomas Johnson< no role >
there westward to the west end of the house of John Watkins< no role >
there, & that they have likewise viewed and
inspected the southside of the Highway in the said Towne &
doe alsoe judge if fitt to be paved with stone from the East
Side of the doore of the dwelling house of Thomas Colby< no role >
there westward to the westside of a door entering into the
garden of one John Symonds< no role >
a gardiner
over against the
house of the above named John Watkins < no role >
there This Court
upon consideration of the said Certificate doth think fitt and
order that the said Highway be well & sufficiently paved
with stone on both sides the way according to the Judgemt
of the said Justices who veiwed the same And that every
Owner & Inhitant of all & every that the houses adjoyning
to the said Highway (whose names are incerted in the
schedule or writeing hereunto annexed) doe according
to their sewall and respective interests therein and the
rates in the said Schedule or writeing menconed on or
before the first day of June next
ensueing the date of
this our order pave with stone all the ground that heth
in front before his her or their respective house