Noverint univsi P Prsentes nos Willm Carter< no role >
Poch Sci on
Eigdi in Campis
in Com Midds
Willm Stanton< no role >
& Thomam Stampe< no role >
Thavies Inn
cenri & firmit obligari Johi Brook< no role >
in Decem Libr Reglis monete Augl Solvemt entm Johi Brook< no role >
Executor Administrator vel assign suis ad qui qinderm solucon [..]
bene & fidelit faciemt Obligans nor & quarnial [..] nrm Pse P toto etc [..]
solid Hered Executor & Administrator mor & quenlibt [..]
Pole p toto & in solid Head Excuted & [..]
firimit P prsentes sigillis unris sigillat Hat decian septi [..]
die Octobr Anno regin Regis & Regine Willi & Marie a [..]
mmc Augl Etc Tertio Anno Din 1691
The Condicon of this Obligacon is such That if the above bound a [..]
William Carter< no role >
doe pay unto the above named John Brookes< no role >
(P secutor of an Indictmt agt the said John Brookes< no role >
found att the [..]
genall quarter Sessions of the peace held for the said County of middx [..]
att Hicks hall in St John Street in the said County of [..]
day of October instant for an assault [..] upon the said [..]
Brookes & now removed into their maties Court of Kings Bench alt [..]
Westmr by vertue of their Maties writ of Certiorari J Slneing out of the said [..]
Court) within one month next after the conviccon of the said John [..]
Brookes< no role >
such reasonable costs & damages as the Justices of the peace [..]
for the County of Middx in their sessions of the peace shall allow & [..]
assesse Psuant to an Act of Parliament made in the one & twentieth [..]
year of the reigne of the late King James the first of England [..]
Etc Then this Obligacon to be said or else to remaine in full [..]
Sealed & delivered in the
Psence for)
Samp Bound< no role >
James Tyton< no role >
[..] Carton
Wm. Stanton< no role >
Tho: Stampe< no role >