Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1691

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS500140088

Image 88 of 11713th October 1691

Noverint unvesi P Prsentes nos Honorabilem Thomam Sturton< no role > de
Sturton in Com Wilts Ar Willm Grover< no role > de Poch sci Andree Holbane
yeom & Johem Higgens< no role > de ead Cook

Teneri & firmit obligari Johi Ridley< no role > in Decem libr
leglis monete Auglie solvent eidm Johi Ridley< no role >
Executor Administrator vel [..] assign suis ad qur quident
Solucenem bene & fidelit faciend Obligacn A nos & Assembles [..]
arm Pse P toto & in solid Hered Executor & Administrator
uros & quemlibt urm firmit P prsentes Segillis nris sigillat
Hat detino tertiodie Octobris 4 Anno Din 1691

The Condicon of this Obligacon is such That if the above bounden
Thomas Sturton< no role > Esqr doe pay unto the above named John Ridley< no role >
(Psecutor of an Indictment agt the said John Ridley Thomas Stourton< no role > found alt the
genall Quarter Sessions of the peace held for the said County of
Midds att Hicks hall in St. Johnstreet in the said County the twelth
day of October instantfor an assaultupon the said John
< no role > which said Indictmt is new removed into their Maties Court
of Kingt Bench att Westmr by vertue of their Maties writt of Cerciorare
Issueing out of the said [..] Court) within one month next after the
conviccon of the said Thomas Sturton< no role > such reasonable costs and
damagers as the Justices of the peace for the County of Middx in
their Sessions of the peace shall allow & assesse Psuant to an Act
of Parliament made in the one & twentieth year of the reigne of
the late King James the first of England Etc Then this Obligacon to
be void Etc

Sealed & delivered in the Prsence
of us (by the above bounden William
< no role > & John (Higgens)< no role >

Rd Owen< no role >
Jno Humble< no role > [..]

And Sealed and deleverd by Thomas Sturton< no role > Esqr
in the Prsent of Rd. Owen< no role >
Rene Denis< no role >

Thomas Stourton< no role >
[..] Will Grover< no role >
John: Higgins< no role >

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