Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

May 1691

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS500110041

Image 41 of 5818th May 1691

Middx ss

The Examination and Confession of John Holland< no role > of ye Pish
of St Giles [..] Cripplegate in this Said County
taken upon [..] William Withers< no role > Esqrs and one of his Maties
Justices of the peace on the [..] County this 18th day of May
Anno Dani 1691

The said John Holland< no role > now [..] this Psent 18 Day of May to the
said Examtt went into the [..] one Roger French< no role > at the Signe of
[..] Rose in ye pish of St Leonard Shoreditch in the said County and
he wth one Philippus Barlowe< no role > then calle [..] for a potte of Beare wch was
Imediately brought them, and whilst they were drinkeinge the said
pott of Beare he the said John Holland< no role > Lookeinge about in the room
he there espyed a silver Tankard wch he feloniously tooke and putte
into his pocketts wth an intent to carry away the same the said Barlow
not beinge then in the roome

John Holland< no role >
his [mark] marke

William Withers< no role >

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