Mrs RoperCess Pcess because deafe & not capable
of [..] hearing divine service
Cess Pcess on all Indictmt & Recogn to try trauerses for
Recusancy vsq St Prox Qrus Sess.
26 May 1691
For the better discovery of all Psons disaffected to the
psentGovernmt. It is thought fitt & accordingly ordered by
this Court that the Cheife Constables of every Division in
this County of Midds in and about the suburbs of London &
places neare adjoyning shall forthwith on receipt of this our
Order give notice to all the forthwith of Peace Constables Headboroughs
Churchwardens Overseers of the Poore Beedles & all other Offers
Whatsoever within the severall Divisions that they
[..] or some
by the Orders or direccons
[..] on Fryday-next at 10 of the Clock
in the
[..] forenoon
of the samedaydoe severally repair
[..] to this Court
& bring wth them the
[..] of all such psons whom they suspect
to be disaffected
[..] or not well affected & such as may be suspected by thr
[..] evill behaviour or Conversations to be dangerous to the Governmt
fairly wrote in paper seated up wth an suspicion of
[..] the name
to be promiscuously by put at a ballading box some
[..] where the Early Submicon comes
of the pish Wherein they refuse & yt they be ready there to swear
that they have some cause to Justices the Psons therein named to be
disaffected & dangerous to the Governmt to the intent that they may be
sumoned by this Court to appeare
[..] & take the doth of Allegiance
to King Willm & Queen Mary in order to a legal proceeding at all
such as shall refuse to testfy the loyalty in this behalf.