[..] Their [..] Justices of the [..]
[..] of Middlesex
[..] Hart late Church Warden
[..] without London [..]
of February [..] by the appointment
[..] to give up his accompts as late Church warden
[..] books and a Stated accompt whereby it did
[..] Peticonr in the Sume of one hundred thirty three
[..] yor Petr had disbursed in putting out of Parish Children
[..] Antients would not allow off notwithstanding yor. Petr.
[..] the money. Severall frivilous Exceptions were
[..] said to will ta [..] & many of the sd Antients to y [..]
[..] to yor Petitr only the sume of
[..] of the residue to wt yor Petr being informed off
[..] orderd to withdraw againe some of the Said antients
[..] written a Certain paper [..] ing to the best of yor. Petr. remembrance [..]
[..] the said Parish did amount unto but seven pounds and no more
[..] yor.Petr. to set his name to the [..] & of the Same wch yor Petr.
[..] then justly indebted to yor Petr in the Sume of 137 [..] upwards
[..] twelve o'clock at night a yor. Petr not being permitted to go out
[..] ation being kept in a manner restrained. yor. Petr after a
[..] be was about to doe yor Petr [..] believes did [..] smite his
[..] ntients of the Said Parish do make use of to their advantage
[..] in the Said Accompt Conteined to be Just and Free.
[..] humbly Prays yor Hors [..] take the said prmisses [..]
[..] and that the Said Antients may be sumoned to attend this Court
[..] aAnner of obtaining the said note by the Said
[..] inspection and [..] yor Petrs Said
[..] made to this Horbl Bench & that the Said Note
[..] may be Set aside and yor Petitr reimbursed
[..] as shall be found really and bona fide due
And Yor Petr. shall ever Pray Etc.
Peticon of
Bartho. Hart< no role >
[..] Thursday
afternoon at 3