Middx ss
Andrew Lawrence< no role >
John Tully< no role >
two of
their Maties Justices of Ye peace
for the County of
psuant to a late Act of Parliamt: of side 2d:
year of ye Reigne of or Soverer and Lord & Lady King
William & Queen Mary entituled an Act for paving
Octeansing the Streets in the Cities of London &
Westmr Suburbs & Libties there of Court Parishes
in the County of Middx and in the Brought of
Southwark and other place within the weekly
Bills of Mortality in the County of Surry and for
regulating the Marketts therein menconed: doe
thereby certifie to the Justices of ye peace for
the sd County of Middx in their general Quarter
Sessions that we have viewed & inspected the
Comon highway called Swallow Street byeing &
being in the pish of St. James within the Libety
of westmr in the County aforesd. And upon or find
view doe Judge it Pitt to be paved with Stone
from ye house of
Adam Motly< no role >
there scotnale
unto the houses of Mr. Maidwell and one Mr. Binch in
the Same Street conteining in length one hundred &
Seaventeen yards and in Breadth Eight Yards more
or less witness or hands this 15th: day of April
Anno dui 1691
A Lawrence