By Adjournment on Thursday the 7th. Day of Decembr. 1752
Order that the thanks of
this Court be given to Thos.
Lane Esqr. for his Long
Services as Chairman}
It is Ordered that the Thanks of this Court be and
they are hereby given unto
Thomas Lane< no role >
Esquire Chairman of
this Court for his great and long Services done to this County
for several Years last in his Wise and prudent Administration
of Justice
By Adjournment on Thursday the 7th. Day of December 1752
Order for Electing Luke
Robinson Esqr
. Chairman
of this Court}
It is Ordered that
Luke Robinson< no role >
be and he is
chosen and elected Chairman of this Court in the place
and stead of
Thomas Lane< no role >
who hath executed the,
Office of Chairman for several Years last
By adjournment on Thursday the 7th. Day of December 1752
Order that the Treasurer
do Use his Endeavour to
Obtain back the Lease
formerly Granted of the
Mulberry Garden house
Etc. And that he do Cause an
Advertisemt. to be printed
that the same are to be Let}
It is Ordered by this Court that Mr.
John Higgs< no role >
of this County do Use his Endeavour to Obtain back
the Lease formerly granted of the House called the Mulberry
with the Appurtenances at Clerkenwell
Part of
the Estate belonging to the County of Middx And that he do Cause
an Advertisement or Advertisements to be printed in one of the
Publick News Papers that the said Premisses are to be let
And that any Pson or Psons who are minded to take a Leave
of the same may bring in their proposals in Writing and lay
the same before a Committee of
his Majesty< no role >
's Justices of the Peace
of Middx appointed to meet at Hicks Hall in St. John Street
receive the Same on Tuesday the Second Day of January next