At the General Quarter Session of the peace of our
sovereign Lord< no role >
the King
holden for the county of Middx
at Hicks Hall in St. John Street
in the
county aforesaid by Adjournment on Thursday the Ninth Day of April
in the Twenty fifth Year of the Reign of our sovereign Lord George
the second King of Great Britain Etc.
Order of recommendation to
Justices of the peace
in their
respective Divisions not to
grant licences to persons who
who keep Nine pin yards
or Skittle Grounds or who
permitt Gameing of any
Kind in their Houses, to
sell Beer or tle.}
It being Represented to his majestys Justices of the peace
the county of Middx
assembled at this present General Quarter Session
of the peace holden for the said county that great Mischiefs are
occasioned by Alehouse keepers and Rotalers of Beer and Ale keeping
Nine pin yards and Skittle Grounds cantiguous or near their
respective Houses and permitting a Great many persons who cought
to get a Livelyhood by their Work and Labour to play for money at
Nine pins< no role >
and Skittles whereby divers of them Loseing their money
at play they and their Wines and children are reduced to great
poverty and neceseity and also divers Loose idle and disorderly
persons frequent such Nine pin yards and Skittle Grounds playing
for money there and occasioning Quarrells and affrays in breach
of his majestices peace For the presenting of which mischiefs for
the Tulusce It is Ordered by this court that it be and it is
hereby recommendedunto his Majestys Justices of
the peace of this county residing or acting in the several Divisions
in the said county to be assembled at their General Meetings to
So holden within their respective Divisions in the months of
September and October now next ensuing or afterwards for the
Granting of Licenses for the selling Beer or Ale by Retale not to
grant Licenses
[..] any Alehousekeeper Inkeeper Tavernkeeper
coffehousekeeper or Victualler who hath a Nine pin yard or
Skittle Ground contiguous or near to his or her House And it is
also further ordered & recommended by this cowit to the said Justices
at their General Meetings abovementioned that the License
No Alehousekeepers or Retalers of Beer or Ale who permitt
unlawfull play or Gaming of any Kind whatsoever in their
respective Houses as is above mentioned And to the Intent
that those orders may be the better observed It is further
ordered that printed copys thereof be sent to every Division
and to every High constable in this county And that the same
be also printed & published in the publick News paper
called the Daily Advertiser for the better Notification thereof.