last past, And that they the Said John Hopes< no role >
Daniel Vandewall< no role >
& Jacob Hagen< no role >
being the only Surviving Lessees in the Said
Lease named (pursuant to a clause in the Said Lease and to
the end the Said Justices of the peace
may know who are
to be Tenants of the Said premises) do by the Said writing
give Notice that they the Said John Hopes< no role >
Daniel Vandewall< no role >
Jacob Hagen< no role >
do intend to assign the Said Lease unto Thomas
Jackson of Bishopsgate Street
London Vintner
Joseph Green< no role >
of Spittle Fields
Jacob Foster< no role >
of London Bridge
Skinner Daniel Weston of Wapping Cooper Nathaniel< no role >
Barber of West Smithfield
London Mercer
and Joseph Walker< no role >
of the City of Westminster
their Execrs. Admrs.
& Assigns for all the rest residue & remainder of the Said term
of Ninety five years yet to come & unexpired, Now upon
reading the aforesaid Writing or Notice and on hearing of
Sr. Edward Hill< no role >
. one of his Majesty< no role >
's Justices of the peace
for the Said County of Middx who declared that he knew
Several of the Said persons intended to be Assignees and
that they were persons of good reputation & circumstance
or that effect, This Court being Satisfyed of the truth thereof
Doth approve of the Said Thomas Jackson< no role >
Joseph Green< no role >
Jacob Foster< no role >
Daniel Weston< no role >
Nathaniel Barber< no role >
& Joseph
Walker< no role >
to be Assignees of the premisses aforesaid.