A Bond was given by Thomas Northcote< no role >
of Hicks Hall
and Cryer of
the Sessions of the peace for Middx dated the Nineteenth day of February
1738 unto Edward Barker< no role >
. Sr. John Crosse< no role >
. and Thomas Lane< no role >
Justices of the peace
of Middx
in the penal Sum of £500. for his preservation
and answering the goods belonging to the Said County and for his
performance of the residue of the Condition expressed in his Order of
Appointment, An Inventory and account of which goods is written
underneath the Condition of the Said Bond, and is also herein after
Middx An Inventory and Account of the Goods belonging to the
County of Middx at the Sessions house called Hicks Hall
in St.
John Street
In the Great Dineing Room
Six Tables
One large Elbow Chair
Twenty five Chairs
with leather bottoms< no role >
One large green Carpet
One large Stove grate
Fire Poter< no role >
, Shovel and Tongs
The Picture of Sr. Baptist Hicks
Two large Pier glasses
Ten Green Window Curtains with
five Vallances
Twenty One Crass Peggs for Hats
One Clock and a Clock case
A hammer & block for making Silence
A Bell cord and Pulley
five Umbrellas for five windows
Two locks to the two doors with keys
In the lesser Dineing Room
One large Oval Table with a blew
Seven chairs with leather bottoms
Five chairs with Turkey work bottoms
One Stove grate, and Fender with Fire
Shovel Poter< no role >
and tongs
Another Picture of Sr. Baptist Hicks
Seven Brass Peggs for Hacs
two locks to the two doors with keys
In the Closset between the two Dineing Rooms
Six Shelves
In the little Closset in the lesser Dineing Room
Four Shelves
One lock & a key to the Closset Door
Upon the Stair case leading to the Dineing Rooms
A Small wooden Bench
In the Clerk of the Peaces Chamber
One Stove grate
Fire Shove Poter & Tongs
One Oval Table
One Square Table
Eight Chairs with Turkey work bottoms
One Iron lock & key to the Chamber Door
Seven brass Peggs for Hats
One little Closset with four Shelves
two Iron locks & keys
In the Court
One Elbow Chair for the Chairman with
a Cover
Benches for the Justices, and the Erections
before the benches & above the benches
One Crimson Velvet< no role >
cushion for the Said
Elbow Chair and a cover
One Crimson Velvet Cushion And also
a Stuff cushion for the Chairmans
desk with a cover
Ten large green Cushions for the Justices
Two Iron Stands near the Chairmans desk
The Picture of the Kings Arms
The Cryer's Seat & desk with a lock & key
Wooden Peggs for hats round the Court
Fourteen leathern bucketts
One large table in the Court with a till &
a lock & key
One green Carpet to Cover with the table
The Clerk of the Peace's Seat & Cushion
The Benches round the Table
The Rails & barrs in the Court
A Block for the witnesses to Stand upon
Two rails for the Security of the Prisoners
Two locks and two keys with a bolt &
barrs to the outer Gates
One lock & Key and bolt to the Glass door
leading out of the Court into the House
One Scarlett curtain, Iron Stay & Iron
curtain red upon the Justices Bench
near the Glass door