By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 7th. day of December 1738
Order for the County Trear
to advance money not
exceeding £3. on account
of Small repairs done to
the House of Correction
at Clerkenwell
as the
Committee Shall direct}
Information being given to this Court that Some Small
repaires have been lately done to the House of Correction at
in this County, And that the person or persons (to
whom the money for doing Such repairs is due) desire to be
paid the Same, It is Ordered by this Court that the Treasurer
of this County do pay any Sum not exceeding three pounds
on account of Such repairs to Such person or persons as the
Committee formerly appointed to examine into the
repairs wanting to be done to the Said House of Correction
or any three of them Shall by writing under their hands
direct & appoint.
By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 7th. day of December 1738
Order made in Order to
Support the Order formerly
made for election of
Officers by way of
Whereas by an Order made at the General Session of the
peace holden for this County of Middx by Adjornment on
Thursday the Seventeenth day of February in the year of our
Lord one thousand Seven hundred and thirty Six and in the
tenth year of the reign of our
Sovereign Lord< no role >
King George the
Second It was Ordered That the election of Housekeeper of Hicks Hall
and Cryer of the General Quarter and General Sessions of the
peace for this County to be that day made, and also the
election of Such Housekeeper and Cryer, and of the Keeper of
New Prison
, and Keeper of the House of Correction at Clerkenwell
in this County, or any other Officers (who have Offices of profit)
under the nomination & appointment of the Justices of the
peace for this County to be thereafter made, Should be by way of
, and not otherwise, any former Order of the Court of
General Quarter or General Sessions of the peace for this County
to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding, Now upon
reading the Said recited Order It is Ordered by this Court that no
Question be put upon any motion to be made for a repeal of
the Said Order untill the County day of the next Sessions of
the peace for this County after Such motion Shall be made.