After Our very hearty Commendations to your Grace.
Entry of a Letter from the Lords
of the Privy Council to his
Grace Thomas Holles< no role >
Duke of
Custos Rotulorum
of Middx
His Majesty< no role >
's Service doth at this Time require a
Speedy Supply of able Seaman and See faring Men for compleating
the Number of those that are wanting to Mann
His Majesty< no role >
, which is now fitting out, We do therefore by
His Majesty< no role >
Command hereby pray and require your Grace to call upon the
Justices of the peace
within the County of Middlesex
your Grace is Custos Rotulorum, and Strictly enjoin and require
them to cause all Straggling Seamen who are fit to Serve on
His Majesty< no role >
's Ships to be taken up and Sent by proper Persons
from Place to Place until they Shall be brought to the Clerks of the
Cheque of His Majestys Yards at Deptford
, Woolwich
, Chatham
Sheerness, Portsmouth
, or Plymouth, according as those Places
Shall be nearest to where Such Straggling Seamen Shall be first taken
up, that So they may be put on board Such of
His Majesty< no role >
's Ships
or Vessells as will be appointed to receive them, And that
there be paid to the Persons who Shall be entrusted with the
Conducting them by the aforesaid Clerks of the Cheque Twenty
Shillings for each Seaman fit for
His Majesty< no role >
's Service and
Six pence a Mile for every Mile they respectively Travel, not
exceeding Twenty Miles, But that if the Men so taken up Shall
be Sent to any Place where no Such Clerk of the Cheque doth
reside, that then the Same allowances be paid to the Conductors
by the Collector or proper officer of the Customs residing at or
nearest. to the Place whereunto they shall be brought upon
producing Certificates from the Captain or Commander of
the Ship or Vessell whereinto they shall be put of his having
received them on Board, which Allowance is to be
reimburst to the Said Officers of the Customs by the Prinicipal
Officers and Commissioners of
His Majesty< no role >
's Navy, upon their
transmitting to the said Principal Officers and Commissioners,
Authentick Accounts of what Moneys they Shall have expended,
And So not Doubting of your Grace's zeal and Vigour in the
Performance of this Service, We bid Your Grace very heartily
Farewell. From the Council Chamber at Kensington
the 31st.
day of July 1738.
Your Grace's very Loving Friends
Hardwicke. C.
Wilmington P.
Godolphin C P S.
Will. Yonge< no role >
To His Grace
Thomas Holles< no role >
of Newcastle
Custos Rotulorum of the County
of Middlesex