After Our very hearty Commendations
Copy of Letter from the
Lords of the King's Privy
Council to the Duke of
New castle Custos Rotulorum
of Middx
and City and
Liberty of Westminster
Whereas in Order to put a Stop to the Pernicious Practice of
common and excesive Drinking of Brandy Geneva and other
Spirituous Liquors an Act of Parliament was made in the
Ninth Year of
His Majesty< no role >
's Reign Entituled, an Act for laying a
Duty upon Retailing of Spirituous Liquors and for Licencing
Retailers there of, where by all Persons are prohibited to Sell or
Retail the Same in less Quantity than two Gallons without
Licence, in Such manner as is therein directed, and upon the
Penalties thereby inflicted; And whereas it hath been
Represented to
His Majesty< no role >
that Divers Wicked and ill disigning
Persons have Excited and Encouraged Riots and Tumults on
Occasion of the Arresting and
[..] prosecuting Offenders
against the Said Act, and have formed Conspiracies and
Combinations among themselves for the Encouragement
of Such Offenders by large Contributions to Such of them who
have been prosecuted and Convicted, And likewise that Divers
disorderly and malicious Persons have lately within the City
of Westminster
and the Liberties there of and in other parts
of the Realm in a Tumultuous and Riotous manner assembled
themselves at Various Times to rescue Offenders against the Said
Law, and to insult and abuse those who have been concerned
in bringing them to Justices, This Majesty hath therefore thought
fit, with the Advice of His Privy Council to Issue His Royal
Proclamation'' For putting in Execution the Said Act against
'' Retailing of Spirituous Liquors and for protecting the Officers
'' of Justice and all others in their Just and Landable Endeavours
'' to assist the Magistrates there in, And for Suppressing all
" Combinations and Confederacies to Encourage disobedience to the
" Said Law and for punishing all Attempts by Riots or otherwise
" to Insult and Abuse those who give Informations and make
" discoveries of the Offenders against the Said Act, And for putting in
" Execution the Act of Parliament made against
[..] Riots
" in the first Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George
the First a Copy of which Proclamation is herewith
transmitted to your Grace. And This Majesty having very much
at Heart the carrying the Said Laws into Execution where in
the Honour of His Government, the Preservation of the
Peace, Health and Safety of His Subjects are so much concerned;
We do therefore in
His Majesty< no role >
's Name and by His Express
Command pray and require Your Grace to recommend it
in the Strongest manner to the Justices of the peace within
the County of Middlesex
and City and Liberty of Westminster