By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 8th. day of Sept 1737
Order for adjourning the
election of Chairman of
the Sessions untill the
first day of the next
Quarter Sessions}
It is Ordered by this Court that the Election of a Chairman of
the General Quarter and General Sessions of the peace for
the County of Middx be and the Same is hereby adjourned
untill the first day of the next General Quarter Sessions
of the peace to be holden for the Same County.
By adjornmt. on Thursday the 8th. day of Sept 1737
Order appointing a
Committee concerning
the directing of necessary
repairs to be forthwith
done to the House of
Correction at Clerkenwell
for Secureing the Same
agt. the Weather &
concerning Some other
Peter Creswell< no role >
Keeper of the House of Correction at
in this County hath exhibited his humble
Petition unto this Court Setting forth That the Petr. hath
delivered Several Petitions giveing an Account of the great
occasion of repairing the prison and Dwelling house, and
the great wants of beatles, & Clocks, by which the hemp is
very much damaged, and occasions people to Send their
goods to other places to the great detriment of the Prison,
And in case the prison be not Speedily repaired will make it
become very dangerous & chargeable, it now raining in
so violently that it runs through from the top to the
bottom that the roofs and ceilings must inevitably fall
in a very little time, if not repaired, And that
the Petr. likewise petitioned the Court on the great
poverty of the prison
and his hardships in Supporting
it, And that an Order of Court was made that the Petr.
Should provide an able Turnkey, which the Petr. hath
done, And that the Petr. is now at the charge of Seventy
pounds a year for Servants, which the Petr. is not able to
Support on account of the great poverty of the Prison,
And that the former Keepers had eighty pounds a year to
Support the Same, And the Petr. never had any Salary
allowed him, which makes him uncapable of
maintaining the poor that is comitted to him, and
likewise his Family, And that the Petr. after Sixteen years
Serving hopes that this Court in goodness will please to
make him Such allowance as to this Court Shall Seem
meet, where upon It
[..] is Ordered by this Court that it be
And it is hereby recomended and referred unto Thomas
Nicholas Jeffreys< no role >
William Dobyns< no role >
Thomas Pindar< no role >
Simon Michell< no role >
Robert Tothill< no role >
Thomas Dummer< no role >
Theodore Smith< no role >
John Lawton< no role >
Nathaniel Blacker< no role >