By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 7th. day of July 1737
Order for giveing thanks
to John Cross< no role >
Robt. Hucks< no role >
John Laroch< no role >
. Members
of Parliamt. for the great
services by them done for
the Justices of the peace of
Middx in their defence in
the affair of the late
complaint agt. them to the
honble. House of Commons
His Maties Justices of the peace
for this County now assembled
at this present General Quarter Sessions of the peace holden for the
Said County Do hereby Order and direct that their thanks be
and they are hereby given unto
John Cross< no role >
Robert Hucks< no role >
& John
Laroch Esquires three of his Maties Justices of the peace
of this
County and also Members of parliament for the great Services
by them done for & on behalf of the Justices of the peace of
the Same County in relation to the defence made on behalf of
the Said Justices in the affair of the late complaint
contained in a Petition preferred against them to the
honble. House of Commons
and lateley depending before a
Committee of that honble. House, which complaint did
appeare to the Said Committee to have been occasioned
and excited against them by one
Thomas Robe< no role >
. without
Sufficient ground for So doing.
By Adjornment on Thursday the 7th. day of July 1737
order for giveing thanks to
Thos: Lane< no role >
. for the
great Services by him done
for the Justices of the peace
of Middx
in their defence
in the affair of the late
complaint agt. them to
the honble. House of
His Maties Justices of the peace
for this County now assembled
at this present General Quarter Sessions of the peace holden
for the Said County Do hereby Order and direct that their
thanks be and they are hereby given unto
Thomas Lane< no role >
one of his Maties Justices of the peace
of this County
for his great care & paines and the Services by him done
for & on behalf of the Justices of the peace
of the same County
in the defence made on behalf of the Said Justices in the
affair of the late complaint contained in a petition
preferred against them to the honble. House of Commons
and lately depending before a Committee of that honble.
House, which complaint did appear to the Said Committee
to have been occasioned & excited against them by one
Thomas Robe< no role >
. without Sufficient ground for so doing.
By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 7th. day of July 1737
Order for giveing thanks
to Nathl: Blackerby< no role >
. for
the great Services by him
done for the Justices of the
peace of Middx in their
defence in the affair of
the late complaint agt.
them to the honble. House
of Commons.}
His Maties Justices of the peace
for this County now assembled at this
present General Quarter Sessions of the peace holden for the Said County
Do hereby Order and direct that their thanks be and they are hereby
given unto
Nathaniel Blackerby< no role >
. one of his Maties Justices of the
peace of this County for his great paines & dexterity in Skilfully
Stateing the accounts relating to moneys raised & disposed of by Order of
the Justices of the peace
of the Said County and for the great Services by
him thereby or by any other ways or means done for & on
behalf of the Justices of the peace
of the Same County in the defence
made on behalf of the Said Justices in the affair of the late complaint
contained in a petition preferred against them to the honble. House
of Commons, and lately depending before a Committee of that honble. House
which complaint did appear to the Said Committee to have been occasioned
& excited against them by and
Thomas Robe< no role >
. without Sufficient ground
for So doing.