Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

28th February 1734 - 14th April 1743

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556010193

Image 193 of 56321st April 1737

By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 21st. day of April 1737

Order for appointing
Jacob Harvey< no role > Esqr.
Treasurer of the moneys
to be received for releif of
maimed Soldiers &
Mariners within the
Hundreds of Ossulston
Edmonton & Gore for the
year 1737}

It is Ordered by this Court that Jacob Harvey< no role > Esqr . be and he is
hereby nominated chosen appointed and continued
Treasurer of the moneys collected and received or to be
collected and received for the releif of Maimed Soldiers
and Mariners inhabiting and residing in the Hundreds
of Ossulston , Edmonton and Gore in this County for the year One
thousand Seven hundred and thirty Seven, and he is
appointed and desired to take the account of Thomas Pindar< no role >
Esqr . Treasurer for the Said Hundreds for the Years 1731 & one thousand
Seven hundred and thirty two (if the same be not already
taken) in the presence of Sr. John Gonson< no role > Knt . Sr. Henry
< no role > Knt. Richard Brown< no role > Nicholas Jeffreys< no role > Thomas
< no role > Barwell Smith< no role > Robert Hinde< no role > Esqrs . and Such other of
his Maties Justices of the peace for this County as have been
Treasurers for the Said Hundreds for the purposes aforesaid
or any three of them.

no rate made for this
present year 1737}

By Adjournmt. on Thursday the 21st. day of April 1737

order for appointing and
continueing Philip
Cholmondely Gent< no role > Trear
of the moneys to be reced
for the Marshallsea King's
Bench & Hospitalls within
the hundreds of Ossulston
Edmonton & Gore for the
year 1737}

It is Ordered by this Court that Philip Cholmondely< no role > Gent be
and he is hereby nominated chosen appointed and
continued Treasurer of the moneys collected and received or
to be collected and received for the Marshallsea King's
Bench and Hospitalls for the Hundreds of Ossulston,
Edmonton , and Gore in this County for the year One
thousand and thirty Seven.

no rate made for this
present year 1737}

By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 21st. day of April 1737

Order for appointing Robt.
Moreton Esqr . Trearer or
the moneys to be reced
for releif of maimed
Soldiers & Mariners
within the Hundreds of
Elthorne Spelthorne &
Isleworth for the year

It is Ordered by this Court that Robert Moreton< no role > Esqr . be and
he is hereby nominated chosen and appointed Treasurer of
the moneys collected and received or to be collected and
received for the releif of Maimed Soldiers and Mariners
inhabiting and residing within the Hundreds of Elthorne ,
Spelthorne and Isleworth in this County for the year One
thousand Seven hundred and thirty Seven and he is
appointed and desired to take the account of William Nepuen< no role >
Esqr . Treasurer for the Said Hundreds for the years One
thousand Seven hundred and thirty three, One thousand
Seven hundred and thirty four, One thousand Seven
hundred and thirty five, and One thousand Seven hundred
and thirty Six in the presence of Sr. George Cook< no role > Knt . James
Clitherow Gwynne Vaughan< no role > Leonard Hammond< no role >
Rupert Brown< no role > John Crookshank< no role > Richard Bulstrode< no role >
William Ash< no role > by George Harman< no role > James Rogers< no role >

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