attend Sr. Francis Child< no role >
Knt. James Clitherow< no role >
& John
Tarver Esqrs
. three of his Maties Justices of the peace
for the Said County residing in or near the said
Hundred or one of them or Some other Justice of
the peace of this County residing in or near the
same Hundred, And that the Said Edward Reeves< no role >
do before the Said three Justices or one of them or
other Justice of the peace take his Oath for his due
execution of the office of high Constable of the
Hundred of Isleworth
aforesaid, And from & after
the time of his haveing taken Such Oath the Said
William Smyth< no role >
is to Stand discharged from being
high Constable
of the Same Hundred.
Petition of his Maties
Justices of the peace
of Middx
to the honble.
House of Commons
To the Honble. the Commons of Great
Britian in Parliament Assembled.
The Humble Petition of his Maties Justices
of the peace for the County of Middx in
their General Sessions Assembled.
Humbly Sheweth
That your Petitioners have used their utmost
Endeavours to Cause the Statutes made and provided
for the Repair of County Bridges Passing of Vagrants &
Repairing of Goals to be duly put in execution.
That in Order there unto Your Petitioners have
caused Several Rates to be made for the purposes
aforesaid, Which Rates have been made in the usual
form practised for many years last past in this and
other Counties, and Particularly a Rate was lately
made for repairing of Brentford Bridge
, which was
then greatly Decayed and in danger of becoming
impassable in a very Short time and was so presented
to be by the Grand Inquest of the County.
That Several of those Rates have been lately
removed by Certirorari and two of them quashed and
Actions have been brought against the Officers for
collecting one of the Said Rates whilst Such Rate was in
force, and others of the Said Rates (particularly the
Said Rate for repairing of Brentford Bridge
) are now