That this pernicious Liquor is now Sold not only at
by Distillers & Geneva Shops but by many other persons of
Inferior Trades, by which Means Journeymen
& Servants are drawn in to taste and by degrees to like
approve and immoderately to drink thereof.
That your petitioners apprehend the publick
Wellfare and Safety as well as the Trade of the Nation
will be greatly affected by it; as this practice is dan-
-gerous and Mischievous to the Health and Strength
Peace and Morals and tends greatly to diminish the
Labour & Industry of his Majestie's Subjects.
Your Petitioners therefore most humbly pray
this Honourable House will take the Premisses
into their Serious Considerations & will apply
such Remedy as they in their great Wisdom
shall Judge most proper.
And your Petitioners as in Duty
bound Shall ever Pray.
By Adjornment on Thursday 15th day of January
[..] tt Order of
Refference to the
Commee. of Accounts to
Examin & Certify
what sum of Money
is due to Mr. Robt.
Chester Constable in
the Parish of Ken-
-Sington for his trouble
& expences in
passing & releiving
of Vagrants.}
Upon the humble petition of
Robert Chester< no role >
in the Parish of Kensington
in this County exhibited
unto this Court Setting forth that he hath Expended about
the Sum of four pounds & five Shillings in passing
Vagrants from the officess of the City & Liberty of
through the said County as may appear
by Certificates of allowance Signed by two of his Maties
Justices of the Peace
for the said County which Expences
Still Remain unpaid to the Petr. And the Petr. praying
that this Court will be pleased to Order that the Treasu-
-rer of the said County may be pay to the Petr. his
said Expences. It is Ordered by this Court That it
be And it is hereby Recommended and Referred
unto his Maties Justices of the peace
for this County
appointed to take the Accounts of the Treasurers of the
Said County or any three or more of them to peruse
and Inspect the said Certificates and to Inquire it the
Vagrants therein mentioned were duly passed & to
Examine if the Sums allowed to the Petr. by the said
Certificates for such service are Just and Reasonable