In Consequence of this Remedy Trade must Increase with
the Labours of the poor; our Soldiery will Still be Renowned for their
Strength and Reall Courage; Servants will be more Obedient, honest,
and Faithfull, and all Sorts of persons in low Life will become
more strong & Robust, better Inclind to Industry and Labour, and
be less Induced to Rob & Commit Murders, and Outrages, now
too Common even in the publick Streets: In fine our
Morals will be better Secured, and, we may, with great Reason
hope once more to see, Religion Sobriety & Industry flourish
among us.
Your Committee having thus laid before you the
Numbers of the Houses and places wherein Geneva and
other Strong Waters are Sold as, also Some of the many Mischie-
-vous Effects deriv'd from thence, and Some of the Happy
Consequences most likely to attend the remedying the
Mischiefs Complain'd of, Submit to the Consideration and
Judgment of the Sessions, How farr it is in their power, and
by what Means to Suppress this great & dangerous Evill; Or
whether any or what Application to our Superiors may
be proper, in Order to a more Effectuall Remedy.
Thomas Lane< no role >
John Milner< no role >
Nicholas Jeffreys< no role >
Jacob Harvey< no role >
John Mercer< no role >
William Booth< no role >
Anthony Chamberlain< no role >
Merry Teshmaker< no role >
[..] petition
of the Justices of
the peace of Middx
to the Honble House
of Cornons agt
Geneva Shops}
To the Honble. the Commons of Great Britain in
Parliament Assembled
The Humble Petition of his Majesties Justices
of the peace for the County of Middlesex
in their genll Quarter
Sessions Assembled
Humbly Sheweth
That the drinking of Geneva & other
Distill'dLiquorsSpirituous Liquors has for some years last
past greatly encreased, Especially among the people of
Inferior Rank.
That the Constant & Excessive use thereof
as now practiced, hath already destroyed thousands of his
Majesties Subjects, and renders great Numbers of others
unfitt for usefull Labour & Service, debauching at the [..]
same time their Moralls & driving their into all Manner
of Vice & Wickedness.