Some Churchwardens or Overseers of the poor in Stead
of applying Such Conviction money to the use of the poor
of their parish have returned the Same back to the party
or partys so convicted upon pretence of their being poor,
which this Court doth adjudge to be a misapplication,
and contrary to the meaning of the Said Act, For
Prevention of which male practice It is Ordered by this
Court that it be And It is hereby recomended unto his
Maties Justices of the peace
for this County residing or
acting in the Several Divisions in this County that they do
respectively keep an account in writing of the Names of
the persons who are or Shall be convicted before them for
Selling Geneva or other Spirituous liquors in less quantity
than two gallons, without licence and who have paid or
Shall pay the moiety of the Sums of money of which they
are or Shall be convicted to the Churchwardens or
Overseers of the poor
of the parish where the Offence was
or Shall be comitted or one of them for the use of the poor
of Such parish, and also the Name of the Churchwarden
or Overseer to whom the Same was paid To the intent
that the Said Justices of the peace
may, at their Meetings
holden each week in their respective Divisions for putting
the Said Act of Parliament in execution pursuant to his
s Royal Proclamation, and to two Letters from
the Lords of his Privy Council and from his Grace the
Duke of Newcastle
in that behalf, Sumon before them
the Churchwardens & Overseers of the poor of any parish
or parishes in their respective Divisions, and examine have
the moneys by them received upon Such Convictions hath
been applyed or disposed of, and to whom, And if it Shall
appear upon Such examination that the Said moneys or
any part thereof hath been misapplyed Then the Said
Justices of the peace
in their respective Divisions are desired
to disallow the Same to the Churchwardens & Overseers of
the poor (by whom Such moneys have been misapplyed)
upon their respective Accounts.
By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 13th. day of April 1738
Order for drawing up a
Representation to the
Duke of Newcastle
Tho: Cotton< no role > This name instance is in set 3506.
Upon reading Several Informations taken upon Oath before his
Maties Justices of the peace
for this County acting in Holborn
Division in the Said County against
Thomas Cotton< no role >
Esquire one
of the Justices of the peace
for the Said County and for the City &
Liberty of Westminster
for his demanding insisting upon, &
receiving of Several persons (upon whose Informations