City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

26th June 1780 - 8th December 1781

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150920379

Image 379 of 38119th October 1780

Case on Behalf of Appellants.

By the Order of Removal of the Ld. Mayor and one other of his Majesty< no role > 's Justices of the Peace for the
City of London Sarah the Wife of Daniel Jamblin< no role > and her Daughter were removed from the Precinct of White
Friars to the Parish of St. John the Baptist at Peterboro. a Copy of which Order is hereunto annexed
The Parish of St. John Baptist have served the Overseer of the Poor of White Fryars with Notice of an
Appeal at the next Quarter Sessions which will be held the 9th. Inst. at Guildhall a Copy of which
Notice is also hereunto annexed.

The Order setsforth that the Pauper is the We. of Daniel Jamblin< no role > whereas the Fact is
clearly otherwise sd. Pauper being the Wife of sd. Jamblin who is now living at Redbourn in Hertfordshire & his
Settlement is in the Parish of St. George Hanover Square as will appear upon Evidie but sd. Jamblin
has not cohabited with his sd. Wife for a considerable Time, he is very difficult to be met with thros. fear of
being compelled to support his Wife & Child.

The observable that Notice of Appeal was served on the Overseers of White Fryars on the 2d. Decr.
for the Sessions which were to be held on the 4th. Decr. then next following which bring so very soon at
Hand, the Appellant had not Time to prepare for such Appeal, and it went off without any one appearing
& in Conseqce the further Notice hereto annexed has been served on the Overseer It is hoped this
Circumstance of having omitted to prosecute this Appeal at the last Sessions immediately following
the Notice will not prevent our appealing the ensuing Sessions, it being considered that the last
Sessions was not a General Quarter Sessions.

The Wife of sd. Jamblin declares that about 10 or 11 Years ago her Husband Rented a shop in Woods
Muse, upper Park st. Grose Sq. at 20th P ann on a Leaves for 21 Years that he occupied this Tent. affr [..]
& then being connected with another Woman deserted it & But upon Searchg the B [..]
the Parish of St. Geo: Hanover Sq: it is not found that sd. Jamblin over pd. Rates to such [..]
but it is apprehended he run off within the Year considerably Debt: As this is the case [..]
is apprehended it becomes necessary to prove where the Husband last gauid a Clement in Hertforth
[..] & as the time is too short to obtain such Proof agt. the ensuing sess it is wishd you
would Move to adjourn until the next [..] say appointed afr Deponent. & we are informed by
Respts ally [..] he has no objection to the same being postponed.


That tho the Pauper was removed as the Widow of Dan Jamblin she
now understands and believes that he is living at Redbourn and that
her Husband lived in a House and shop in Upper Park Street in
the Parish of St. George Hanover Square about 9 yrs ago that
he occupied it 14 months & paid ayr & quars. Rent & lodged in the room
adjoining the Shop some nights & on other nights lodged with the Witness
in White Friars}
Sarah Jamblin< no role >
the Pauper

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