To the Worshipful Mayor and Aldermen of the City
of London His majesty< no role >
's Justices of the Peace
for the said
City in their General Quarter Sessions of the peace for
the said City assembled.
The humble Petition and appeal of the
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of
the Parish of Saint Mary at Hill London.
That by Virtue of an Order or Pass Warrant under the
Hand and Seal of Sir
Watkin Lewes< no role >
Lord Mayor< no role >
of the said City of London
bearing date the Sixth day of
January 1781
Ann Evans< no role >
a Single woman
having been
apprehended in the Parish of Saint Mary Woolnoth
in the
said City are Vagaband was canveyed to the said Parish
of Saint Mary at Hill
as the Place of her last legal
Your Petitioners conceiving themselves
to be aggrieved by the said Order or
pass Warrant humbly appeal to your
Worships and pray relief in the Premises
and that a day may be appointed for
hearing and determining the said