City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

26th June 1780 - 8th December 1781

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150920300

Image 300 of 3815th December 1781



William Giles Smith< no role > , in New prison , committed by S. Wright, Esq ; on
oath of James Jarvis< no role > and others, for stealing 3 piggs, his property
Dated Oct. 31, 1781.


Thomas Wells< no role > , in New prison , committed by J. Staples, Esq ; on oath
of James Smith< no role > and another, for stealing 43 bushels of wheat, value 101.
the property of John Fullager< no role > , Esq ; and 11 sacks, value 12s. Dated
Oct. 31, 1781.

Detained on oath of Joseph Barber< no role > and others, for stealing a cart, the
property of Thomas Rinkes< no role > . Dated Nov. 5, 1781.

Detained on oath of John Shenstone< no role > , on suspicion of stealing 6 sacks of
wheat, the property of John Shenstone< no role > . Dated Nov. 5, 1781.

Detained on oath of John Shenston< no role > and others, for stealing a cart saddle,
a housing and other cart harness, his property. Dated Nov. 8, 1781.


Jane Brown< no role > , in New prison , committed and also detained by J. Croft,
Esq; on oath of Elizabeth Dodd< no role > and others, on suspicion of stealing
4 shifts, 2 aprons, and other things. Dated Nov. 1 and 8, 1781.


Ann Moore< no role > , other-
wise Petty,
Mary Brewer< no role > ,}
in New prison , committed by T. Gilbert, Esq ; on
oath of Ann Hayes< no role > and another, on suspicion; and
detained for stealing two Bank notes, one of 501.
the other of 101. a draft for 501. a flounce book muslin handkerchief, a
lawn apron< no role > , Etc. her property. Dated Nov. 2 and 7, 1784.


Darby Haydon< no role > , in New prison , committed by J. Sherwood, Esq ; on oath
of Griffin Boardman< no role > , on suspicion; and detained for stealing a coil of
rope and 3 blocks, the property unknown. Dated Nov. 3.and 6, 1781.


John Watson< no role > This name instance is in set 1421. This set is in the group(s): GarrowsClients . , in New prison , committed by W. Addington, Esq ; on
oath of Humphrey Simmonds< no role > and another, on suspicion of stealing a
silver table spoon. Dated Nov. 6, 1781.


Robert Cooper< no role > , in New prison , committed by T. Gilbert, Esq ; on oath
of John Clark< no role > and another, on suspicion of having feloniously made,
coined and counterfeited the copper money of this ream called half-
pence. Dated Nov. 8, 1781.

Detained on oath of John Clark< no role > , Percival Phillips< no role > , and others, for felo-
niously coining and counterfeiting the coper money of this realm called
halfpence. Dated Nov. 17, 1781.


Thomas Sharp< no role > ,
John Smouter< no role > ,
in New prison , committed by J. Sherwood, Esq ; on
oath of Colin Campbell< no role > , on Suspicion of stealing 3 silk
handkerchiefs. Dated Nov. 8, 1781.

Detained on oath of Colin Champbell< no role > , for stealing a piece of silk hand-
kerchiefs, value 10s. Dated Nov. 10, 1781.


Titus Garde< no role > , in New prison , committed by J. Sherwood, Esq ; on oath
of Catherine Mills< no role > , on suspicion; and detained for stealing in her
dwelling house 12 striped cotton and checque shirts, and 3 linnen shirts,
value 41. 13s. the property of Andrew Mills< no role > . Dated Nov. 10,
and 12, 1781.


Simon Barnes< no role > , in New prison , committed by John Croft< no role > and Thomas
< no role > , Esqrs . on oath of John Plowman< no role > and George Bridge< no role > , two of

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