City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

26th June 1780 - 8th December 1781

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150920257

Image 257 of 3815th November 1781

Copy of Committment

Middlesex to wit

To the Keeper of New Prison at Clerkenwell or to his Deputy.

J Fielding
W Addington

Detain in your Custody the Body of John Culland< no role > he being further
charged before us Sir John Fielding< no role > Knt . & Wm. Addington< no role > Esqr . two of
His Majestys Justices of the Peace for the said County upon the Oaths of
Joseph Molesworth< no role > , William Jeffs< no role > Robert Dowley< no role > , John Jackson< no role > Thos.
< no role > Wm Oliver, Jas. Gardon< no role > , John Stimpson< no role > , Robt. Hill< no role > , Betty Wall< no role >
& Arthur Griesdale< no role > , for being an Accessary after the Fact, to wit, by
Feloniously Harbouring Comfortingandmaintaining & assisting in
the City of London one Serjeant Taylor knowing he had feloniously
stolen taken and carried away one Bag of Letters called the Leicester
Bag of Letters sent and conveyed by the Post Against the Peace Etc.
Him safely keep in your said Custody until he shall shall be
discharged by due course of Law Given under our Hands & Seals
this 11 Day of January 1781

Copy order to commit the Prisoner
into the Custody of the Sheriff of London}

J Fielding


At the Delivery of the Kings Goal of Newgate holden for the
County of Middlesex at Justice Hall in the Old Bailey in the Suburbs
of the City of London on Wednesday the Twelfth day of January in
the 20th. year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third
King of Great Britain Etc. And in the year of our Lord 1780

John Calland< no role > Is committed into the Custody of the Sheriffs of the
City of London for the Offence he stands charged
with in the County of Middlesex .

By the Court

Mr Deacon< no role > Clk of the Goal Delivery for the
County of Middlesex

At the January Session 1780 Serjt. Taylor the Principal not
being apprehended, & it being intended to indict him fr Felony at
the then next Assizes for the County of Bedford, to proceed to an
Outlawry against him, & then to try Callund/ the Court was upon
Motion Pleased to refer Callund to the Lord Mayor< no role > to give Bail
for his Appearance at the then next Sessions to be holden at
the Old Bailey & to respite the Recognizances of the several Persons

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