To the Rt. Honoble
the Lord Mayor
of the City of London
and the rest of his Majesties Justices of the Peace
for the said City now
in their General Quarter Sessions Assembled
The Humbel Petition and Appeal of the Church
warden and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Saint
Andrew Holborn above the Bars
in the County of Middlesex
Elizabeth Morgan< no role >
was by
an Order or Pass Warrant dated the 28th: day of May last
1757 under the hands and Seals of the Rt. Honoble
Dickinson< no role >
. Lord Mayor
of the City of London
Robert Alsop< no role >
. Alderman
of the said City Two of his
Majesties Justices of the Peace
for the said City of London
and Liberties thereof, one being of the Quorum, Removed
and conveyed from the Parish of St. Giles without
to the said Parish of St. Andrew
Holbron above the Bars
in the said County of Middlesex
as the Place of her last legal Settlement
Humpy: Elmes< no role >
. for Appelts.
Your Petrs. and appelts. think themselves
aggrieved thereby Humbly appeal to the
Judgment of this Honoble Court against the
same & pray that this Honoble Court will be
pleased to hear and determine the said appeal
and that all Persons concerncerned may abide
the Judgment and determination thereof and
that your said Petrs. may be Relieved as this
Honoble Court shall seem meet
And yor. Petrs. shall ever Pray Etc.