City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

18th October 1756 - 20th December 1757

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150680098

Image 98 of 1632nd December 1757

The King against John Coe< no role > for Felony Charged with Buying and
Receiving a Quantity of Shallock Knowing the same to be Stollen.


Be Pleased to take Notice that the Court of Session's of Oyer and Terminer
and Goal Delivery of Newgate to be Holden at Justice hall in the old Bailey London will
be moved on Wednesday next, or so Soon after as Councel Can be Heard that the Tryal
of the Defendant John Coe< no role > , on the above Indictment may be Postponed till the next
January Session's on Account of the absence of William Bedford< no role > of Ratcliffe Highway
near St Georges Church in the County of Middlesex Grocer (who is a Material Witness
for the said Defendant John Coe< no role > , and without whose Testimony he Cannot Safely Proceed
to the Tryal of this Cause) and which said William Bedford< no role > is now on a Journey at or
about Lynn and other Parts of the County of Norfolk , and is not Expected to be in London
till the Latter End of this Present Month of December, Dated this Second
Day of December 1757 :

ToCole Esquire
Sollicitor to the Honourable
the East India Company}

John Coe< no role > the Defendant

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