To the Right Honourable
Marshe Dickinson< no role >
Lord Mayor
of the City of London
and the rest of his Majesty's Justices assigned to
deliver his Goal of Newgate
of the Prisoners therein being
The Humble Petition of Richard Swift< no role > This name instance is in set 3647.
That by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of
John Fielding< no role >
one of
his Majesty's Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middx dated the twenty
fourth day of October instant your Petitioner was committed to his Majesty's Goal
of Newgate
being charged in the said Commitment on Suspicion of having feloniously
stolen taken and carried away one Box containing a Quantity of Wearing
Apparell and other things the property of
Sampson Pearce< no role >
Yor. Petitioner humbly prays that he may be brought to his Trial
according to Law at this present Session for the supposed Crime
for which he stands committed as aforesaid or that in default
thereof he may be bailed or discharged from his Imprisonment
pursuant to the Statute in such Case made and provided
And your Petitioner shall ever Pray Etc
Richard Swift< no role >