The King, agt. Matthew Thornton< no role >
Take Notice That at the next Generall Quarter
Sessions of the Peace to be holden for the
City of London
at Guildhall
within the
same City on Monday the 24th, Day of this
Instant October, the Court will be then
moved or as soon after as Councill can be
heard That the Tryal of this Indictment
may be put off till the next generall
Sessions of the peace to be holden in
December next on Account of the absence
of a Material Witness in Support of
this prosecution. Dated this 21st. of
October 1757
To Mr. Matthew Thornton< no role >
in East Cheap
the Deft.
N:Spry, Atty
for the prosecution
[..] 27 1757
[..] left a Copy at Mr Thomson's House