City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

18th October 1756 - 20th December 1757

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150680056

Image 56 of 16314th June 1757


The Information of Mr. Martin Haywood< no role > of
Doters Commons Upholsterer taken before me this
14th. Day of June 1757

Who being upon Oath Says that between the 27th. at
Night, and the 28th. of May in the Morning his
House was broke open, and several of his Goods taken
away, Says that two Glasses now produced are his
Property and were taken from the sd. House that

Sworn before me
this 14th. Day of June 1757}

J Halding

M Heywood

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