At the Delivery of the King's Gaol of Newgate
holden by
Adjournment at Justice Hall
in the old Bailey
in the
Suburbs of the City of London
on Monday the twenty fifth
day of April in the thirtieth year of the Reign of our Sovereign
Lord George the Second King of Great Britain & so forth and
in the year of our Lord 1757
Whereas Complaint hath this Day been made to this Court
by Several of the Grand Jury who Served at this present
Session for the City of London
against Thomas Smith< no role >
of the Custom House Key
for threatning & abusing
Thomas Hayward< no role >
& others of the said Grand Jury It is
ordered by this Court That the said Thomas Smith< no role >
immediately upon Sight hereof Attend this Court in
Person to Answer the premisses.
By the Court
T. Ford Clerk of the Gaol
Delivery for the City of
Ordd that he shall app.
Pr [..] next Session
26 May 1757
Tho Smith< no role >
appeared & was comitted for the