City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

18th October 1756 - 20th December 1757

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150680033

Image 33 of 1633rd May 1757


Be it Remembred that on the Twenty fourth day of February in the Years of our Lord One thousand seven Hundred and Fifty seven at Justices Hall in the Baily in the Suburbs
of the City of London Edward Upsole< no role > pf the Parish of Saint Giles in the Fields in the County of Middlesex Gentleman cometh in his proper person before us the Right Honourable Marshe Dickinson< no role >
Esquire Mayor of the City of London and Sir Robert Ladbroke< no role > Knight one of the Aldermen of the said City two of the Justices of our present Sovereign Lord the King Assigned to keep the peace of the said
Lord the King in and for the said City and also to hear and Determine Divers Felenies Trespasses and other Misdeeds Committed within the said City and Giveth Information to us the same Justices
That Henry Lunn< no role > of Bishopsgate Street within the City of London Hosier after the Twenty first day of December which was in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven Hundred and Twenty one
(to wit) on the Eighteenth day of November in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven Hundred and Fifty six at the Parish of Saint Bartholomew behind the Exchange within the City of London did
Unlawfully and against the form of the Statute in such Case made and provided deliver out to me Henry Stent< no role > a Tickett No. 41m 411 & No 41m 412 to Entitle she said Henry Stent< no role > to a Share of
the Money advanced According to proposal or Scheme which after she said Twenty first day of December in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven Hundred and Twenty one (to wit) on
first day of October in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven Hundred and Fifty Six at the said Parish of Saint Bartholomew behind the Exchange within the City of London had been
Published for advancing small Sums of money by Several persons amounting in the whole to Large Sums to be Divided amongst them by the Chances of the Prizes in the present Publick
Lottery Established by an Act of Parliament made in the Twenty ninth Year of his present Majesties Reign Intituled "An Act for Granting to his Majesty the Sum of Two Millions to be raised by
"way if Annuities and a Lottery and Charged on the Sinking Fund Redeemable by Parliament and for Extending to Ireland the Laws made in this Kingdom against Private and Unlawfull
"Lotteries the said Henry Stent< no role > being a person who to wit on the said Eighteenth day of November One thousand seven hundred and Fifty Six at the Parish of Saint Bartholomew behind the
Exchange within the City of London advanced Small Sums (to wit) she Sum of One pound Two Shillings and Nine pence to the said Henry Lunn< no role > to Entitle him to a Share of the Money advanced
or to be advanced according to such proposal and which said Ticket so as aforesaid Delivered by the said Henry Lunn< no role > to she said Henry Stent< no role > was in words and Figures following
No;41m 411 & No:41m 412 Fifty days after the Drawing of the State Lottery now depending finished the Bearer hereof will be Intituled to the prizes arising to the same Numbers in the
said State Lottery pursuant to the Scheme published for the Benefit of the three United Hospitals I Caming Dublin Anno 1756 And thereupon afterwards to wit on the first day
of March in the said Your of our Lord One thousand seven Hundred and Fifty seven at the Mansion House in the Parish of Saint Mary Woolchurch Haw in the City of London being
the time and place appointed and Assigned by as the said Justices to hear and determine the said Matter on the said Information before us the said Justices comes the said Edward Upfold< no role > and she said
Henry Lunn< no role > the Solemnly called (and tho he was duly Summoned to be and appear before us at this time and place to answer she said matters laid to his Charge as by Oath now made before us appears
doth not come in his own person But she said Henry Lunn< no role > now here appears before us by his Council Learned in the Law and the said Information being now here read in the Hearing of the said Council
of the said Henry Lunn< no role > He the said Henry Lunn< no role > by his said Council now here saith that he the said Henry Lunn< no role > is not Guilty of the matters Charged against him in and by the said Information
Whereupon the aforesaid Henry Stent< no role > of the City of London Coffeeman being a Credible Witness in this behalf now here Cometh in his own proper person before us she said Justices and now here taketh
his Corporal Oath upon the Holy Gospel of God to speak the Truth of and upon the promises the information aforesaid above Specified before We the said Justices now here having Sufficient
power and Authority to administer the said Oath to the said Henry Stent< no role > in this behalf and the said Henry Stent< no role > being now here so Sworn before the said Justices and having heard the said
Information now here road to him in the presence and hearing of the said Council of the said Henry Lunn< no role > Doth upon his Oath aforesaid Say That the said Henry Lunn< no role > in the said Information
mentioned on the said Eighteenth day of November in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Fifty Six at the said Parish of Saint Bartholomew behind she Exchanged within the City of London
did deliver out to him the said Henry Stent< no role > the Ticket No: 41m 411 & No. 41m 412 in the said Information mentioned and Set forth to Entitle him the said Henry Stent< no role > to a Share of the money advanced
according to a proposal or Scheme which on the said first day of October in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Fifty six had been Published at the said Parish of Saint Bartholomew behind
the Exchange for advancing Small Sums of Money by Several persons Amounting in the whole to large Sums to be divided amongst them by the Chances of the prizes in the Publick Lottery mentioned
in the Information and that he the said Henry Stent< no role > then and there advanced and paid is the said Henry Lunn< no role > the sum of one pound two Shillings and Nine pence to entitle him to a Share of the Money
advanced or to be advanced according to such proposal Whereupon the further hearing adjudging and determining the Several matters and things in the said Information above specified and contained and so above
Charged and alledged against him the said Henry Lunn< no role > as aforesaid is adjourned by us the said Justices here untill the Eighth day of March in the said year one thousand seven Hundred and Fifty seven of the Majestice House aforesaid in the City of London aforesaid to be then here finally heard and determined by us the said Justices according to Law and agreeable to the Directions of the said Statute and the same day and place are
given as well to the said Edward Upfold< no role > as to the said Henry Lunn< no role > here etc. Upon which said Eight day of March in the said Year One thousand seven Hundred and Fifty seven at the Mansion House
aforesaid in the City of London aforesaid before us she said Justices came as well the said Edward Upfold< no role > as the said Henry Lunn< no role > by his said Council according to the adjournment aforesaid and not any
Witness for or on the Behalf of the said Henry Lunn< no role > was or has been produced before us and we fully heard what was alleged by the said Council of the said Henry Lunn< no role > for and on the behalf of the said
Henry Lunn< no role > (he the said Henry Lunn< no role > not being personally present) and we the said Justices fully Considered all the Matters aforesaid And because upon Hearing and by as the said Justices
fully Understanding and due Consideration by asked of all and Singular the matters aforesaid manifestly appears unto us the said Justices that the said Henry Lunn< no role > is Guilty of the premisses in and
by the said Information Charged upon him in manner and form as in the Information aforesaid is above alledged against him Therefore it is now to wit on the said Eight day of March in the said Year
One thousand Seven Hundred an Fifty seven here Considered and as adjudged by us the aforesaid Justices that the said Henry Lunn< no role > upon the Evidence of the said Henry Stent< no role > a Credible Witness upon Oath
as aforesaid before us the said Justices so as aforesaid taken be and he is Convicted of the premisses aforesaid laid to his Charge according to the form of the Statute in such Case made and provided and That
He the said Henry Lunn< no role > do forfeit the Sum of Five Hundred pounds for the offence aforesaid whereof he is Convicted as aforesaid to be applyed and paid according to the directions of the Statute in such
Case made and provided And that the said Henry Lunn< no role > be Committed to his Majesties Goal of Newgate (being the County Goal to be London aforesaid) there to remain without Bail or main prize for the
Space of one whole Year and from thence till the said Sum of Five Hundred pounds so forfeited as aforesaid did shall be fully paid and Satisfied In Witness whereof We the said Justices do not set our hands
and Seals to this Record at the Mansion House aforesaid in the City of London aforesaid she said Eighth day of March in the Year of our Lors One thousand seven Hundred and Fifty seven

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