Know all Men by these Presents That George Rouse< no role >
White Fryers
in the Parish of Saint Dunstan in
in the West
Londonfor diverse good and
valueable Causes and Considerations me hereunto
moving and also in Consideration of the Sum of
One Pound and one shilling to me now in hand paid
have Remised Released and for ever quitt claimed and by these presents
do Remise Release and for ever quitt claime unto Joseph Willis< no role >
the Parish of Saint Ann Black Fryars
London Gentleman
his Heirs Executors and Administrators all and all
manner of Action
or Actions Cause and Causes of Action Suits Bills
Bonds Writings Obligatory Debts Dues Duties Accompts Sum and
Sums of Money Judgments Executions Extents Indictments Assaults Quarells Controversies
Trespasses Damages and Demands whatsoever both in Law and Equity
or otherwise howsoever which against the said Joseph Willis< no role >
ever had And which I myHeirs
Executors or Administrators shall or may have claim challenge
or demand for or by reason or means of any Matter Cause or Thing
Whatsoever from the beginning of the World unto the day of the date of these
presents In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my Hand and Seal
the SecondDay of November in the twenty sixth Year
of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the second
by the Grace of God of Great Britain France & Ireland King
Defender of the Faith And in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven
Hundred and fifty two
Sealed and delivered (being first
duly Stampt) in the presence of
Being Duly Stampt
Thomas Makson< no role >
John Green< no role >
Geo Rouse< no role >