October 9th. 1753
Anne Ellis< no role >
Peter Tickner< no role >
Daniel Tagg< no role >
Mary Rhimes< no role >
, having
been capitally convicted, at the Old Bailey
The King, in Consideration of some Circumstances
humbly represented, to Him in Their Bahalf,
is graciously pleased to extend His Royal
Mercy to Them, upon Condition of Transportation,
and I am accordingly, to signify to You His
Majesty's Pleasure That, said
Anne Ellis< no role >
Peter Tickner< no role >
, be transported for the
Term of their natural Livers, The said
Daniel Tagg< no role >
, for the Term of Fourteen
Years, and the said
Mary Rhimes< no role >
, for
Seven Years, to some of His Majesty's Colonies
or Plantations in America
, Pursuant to
the Acts of Parliament in that Behalf.
I am, Sir,
Your most Obedient
humble Servant.
John Newcastle< no role >
Mr: Recorder of the City of London