To The Rt. Honble. Sir
Crisp Gascoyne< no role >
Lord Mayor
of the City of London
and the rest of his
Majesties Justices
in their Session of Gaol Delivery of
in and for the City of London
at Justice Hall
in the Old Bailey
The Prayer of Dominick Mc. Daniel< no role >
That the said Dominick Mc. Daniel on the Thirteenth day of
August 1753 was Committed to the Woodstreet Compter
in the said City
being charged upon Oath for Assaulting
Diana< no role >
the Wife
Samuel Pustree< no role >
forcibly lying with her and Carnally having the Knowledge of her Body
against her Will.
Therefore the said Dominick Mc. Daniel most humbly
prays Your Lordship and this Honourable Court that
he may at this present Session be either Tried bailed
or discharged pursuant to the Statute in such Case
made and provided.
Dominick Mc. Daniel