At the Sessions Adjourned 24th. July 1753.
A List of Fees to be taken by the Justices Clerks.
s d
For a Common Warrant for Assault or Felony or the Keeping the peace1,,0
A Special Warrant for the Peace or against the Father of a Bastard Child And whose Informations
are Absolutely Necessary to be taken in Writing
A Warrant to search for Stolen Goods1,,0
For every Recognizance to answer any Misdemeanour2,,4
For the Discharge of every Person taken by Constables or Watch if any Misdemeanour or,
Misbahaviour appears to the Justice or Justices One Shilling if none no Fee to be taken
For the discharge of every person brought by Warrant for any Misdemeanour
For every Person discharged out of Goal by Warrant1,,0
For every Supresedeas if required where Persons have given Bail2,,0
For every Examination taken in Writing before One or more Justices in Order to a Settlement
or Vagrant Pass
For every Vagrant Pass1,,0
For every Settlement pass or Order of Removal to Last place Settlement Signed by two Justices2,,6
For every Copy thereof for Overseers of the Poor1,,0
For Signing Warrant of Appointment of Overseers of the Poor by Two Justices2,,0
For Confirmation of Poors Rate by two Justices2,,0
For every Summons Writing Signed by Justice for An Offence against any penal Statute or otherwise1,,0
For the Examination of the Mother of the Bastard Child taken before two Justices2,,0
For Adjudication of Bastardy3,,0
Copy of the Adjudication to be Served on the Reputed Father2,,0
For Signing Parish Indentures by two Justices Each hand1,,0
For every Conviction on any Penal Statute where no Fee is Prohibited by the Statute to be taken1,,0
For making Certificate for Constable Passing Vagrants0,,6
For every Affidavit taken in Writing for each Deponent where no Fee is by Statute
Prohibited to be taken