City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

13th February 1752 - 10th June 1754

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150640044

Image 44 of 17020th July 1753

London, to wit.

These are to Certify, That on the Sixteenth Day of May in the Twenty Sixth Year of the
Reign of King GEORGE the Second, Walter Griffiths< no role > was
Convicted before me one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the Cityand Libertiesof London & the Liberties thereof,
on the Oath of Thomas Fordan< no role > , for carrying into the Goal, or Prison of the Fleet , London, a
two Gallon Cask of distilled Spiritous Liquors, commonly called Gin
contrary to the Form of the Statute in that Case made and provided. Given under my Hand the Day and Year first above written

Jno Barnard< no role > [mark]

Sr J Barnard

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