Old Bailey
The King
Mathew Gall< no role >
At the Prosecution
John Bourk< no role >
For Perjury
John Bourk< no role >
of the Parish of Saint Martin in the Feilds
in the
County of Middlesex
in Cloaths the Prosecutor of the
above Indictment maketh Oath and Saith that Elinor Kingsley< no role >
One of the Material Witnesses for this Deponent in this
about Six Week ago went to the City of Bristol
in Somersetshire
where She Still remains and will not return
for Some time as this Dept. is Informed and believes And this
Dept. further Saith that Michael Lamb Another Material
Witness for this Dept. in this Prosecution A Fire Smith by
Trade is gone to Work in the County for Some time and will
not return for the Space of A Month as this Dept. is also
Informed and believes And this Dept. further Saith that
James Courtney< no role >
Another Material Witness for this Dept. in this
Prosecution who follows the Business of A fedler about
the Country is now in the County about his Business and is
Expected home in A Short time as this Dept. is also Informed
and believes And this Dept. [..] Saith that all the above
named Witnesses of this Depts. are so Material that this
Dept. Cannot with Safety Proceed to the Tryal of this Indictment
without their Testimony as this Dept. is Advised and believes
And this Dept. lastly Saith that he this Dept. did this Day deliver to and
leave with Mathew Gall< no role >
the above Defendant Notice in
Writing A true Copy whereof is hereunto Annexed.
Sworn meSworn 20 July 1753
at the old Baily
By the Court [mark]
John Bourk< no role >