The Information of
Eliz< no role >
ye. wife
James Moore< no role >
of Puddle Dock
London Butcher
taken ye. 20th
day of Febry. 1753
This Examnt. on her Oath Saith that Michael Hawes< no role >
on ye. first day of this Inst. Febry brot. a large Bundle in a
coarse brownish Sack to her said Husbands Apartment
at Puddle Dock
aforesaid ye. said Michael this Informt. & Mary Clark< no role >
opened ye said Bunble & found is contained a great many
pair of Silk Stockings & four Pieces of Silk for Breeches
ye said Hawes desired this Informt. & ye said Mary Clark< no role >
to sell them for him & told them what they got above
twelve pence a pair they shod. keep themselves that this
Informt. & ye Said Mary went ye same day & pawned one pair
in Bride Lane
for two Shillings & Six pence they thus w [..]
to pawn another pair on Snow Hill
which ye Pawnbroker
Stopt they went to Mary Ridge< no role >
in Field Lane
& Sold her
two pair of ye said Silk Stockings for three Shillings
when ye. said Mary Ridge< no role >
asked them if they had more to
dispose off for that she would buy them That this Informt.
& Mary Clark< no role >
aforesaid as three times ye same day
carried Forty pair more of ye said Stockings to ye said
Mary Ridge< no role >
who agreed to give them two & thirty
Shillings for them that he paid six shilllings in part
thereof at ye same time ye sunday following ye said [..]
paid them three Shillings more & ye after that the paid
them five Shillings more & gave them two Silk
Handkercheifs which she valued at seven Shillings
& six pence This Informt. likewise sold two ye said Pieces
[..] Silk for Breeches to ye. said Mary Ridge< no role >
for eighteen pence