And these Deponents further say that the sd: respective
Quantitys of One Thousand four Hundred & forty Bushells of
while last & Eight Hundred Bushells of Rock Salt were
washd consumed & perished by reason of the sd. Sloop sinking
under Water as before setforth & no Part thereof was landed in
Great Britain on Ireland or in any port or ports whatsoever
And the sd. Sloop & the remaining part of her Cargoe was
then lost & perished & not any part thereof saved And these
Deponents further say that the sd. Vessell at the time of her
Departure from Liverpoole aforesd was light & strong & fit to
Perform the sd Voyage & the sd. Less was occasioned entirely
through the Misfortune aforesd. & not through any neglect or
Default of the Master or Mariners on board the sd. Vessell.
Both sworn the 30th: of Aprill
at Guild hall
By the Court
Wm. Badcock< no role >
The Mark [mark] of
Bryan Mc Dannah< no role >