To the Right Honourable Robert
Alsop< no role >
Lord Mayor
of the
City of London
the Worshipfull his
Brethien the Alderman of the same
City & the rest of his Majesties Justices
of the Peace for the City of London
Sessions Assembled
The humble Petition and Appeal of
Benjamin Crook Lessee< no role >
of Fleet Market
in the Parish of Saint Bridget otherwise
Saint Brides
in the City of London
That your Petitioner is Assessed the Sum of Five
pounds for a Quarters rate towards the Releif of the Poor
of the said Parish of Saint Brides
nineteenth day of
their InstantJuly last past on Account of several
Standings Fruit Stalls Herb Stalls Fish Stalls & other Stalls
& Standings in Fleet Market
within the said Parish of Saint
Bridgets which is much more than your Petitioner ought to
pay & the said Assessment is made in breach of An Agreement
made Between the Mayor & Comonalty & Citizens of the City of,
London And the Minister and Church Wardens of the said Parish
of Saint Bridges
bearing date the tenth day of February 1747
whereby It was Agreed that the Chamberlain of the City of
London should pay to the Church Wardens of the said Parish for
the time being the Sum of Thirty pounds per Annum to
commence from Lady day 1747 in lien of all Rates and
Assessments towards Church and Poor and all Arreas
thereof for the said Market for which and other reasons your
Petitioner humbly apprehends the said Rate and Assessment
to be Illegal and unjust & that the same ought to be Quarter
Your Petitioner therefore humbly Prays
that the said Rate and Assessment may
be Quashed, or that your Petitioner may
have such other Releif in the Premisses
as to this Honourable Court shall seem
And your Petr. shall ever pray Etc.